HMS(Heavy Melting Steel) 1 & 2 ISRI 200-206

Heavy melting steel (HMS) or Heavy Melting Scrap(used interchangeably), is a designation for recyclable steel and wrought iron. It is broken up into two major categories: HMS 1 and HMS 2. The difference between the two is HMS 1 steel is not galvanized or blackened, whereas HMS 2 is. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries(ISRI) subcategorizes HMS 1 and HMS 2 further, as follows:

  • ISRI 200 (HMS 1): Wrought iron and/or steel scrap 1/4”and larger in thickness. All pieces must be smaller than 60x2”

  • ISRI 201 (HMS 1): Same as ISRI 200 except pieces must be smaller than 36x18”

  • ISRI 202 (HMS 1): Same as ISRI 200 except pieces must be smaller than 60x18”

  • ISRI 203 (HMS 2): Wrought iron and/or steel scrap, black and galvanized, 1⁄8” and larger in thickness

  • ISRI 204 (HMS 2): Same as ISRI 203 except pieces must be smaller than 36x18”

  • ISRI 205 (HMS 2): Same as ISRI 204 except it may contain automotive scrap except for thin gauge material

  • ISRI 206 (HMS 2): Same as ISRI 205 except pieces must be smaller than 60x18”

    We guarantee our clients that the scrap delivered under the contract(HMS 80/20 or HMS1) shall consist of the following,

    - Mill scrap (stampings, cuttings, bars etc)

    - Industrial scrap (machinery casings, nuts, bolts etc)

    - Auto and truck frames

    - Railroad scrap (wheels, axles, parts of locomotives and wagons etc)

    - Ship scrap (fittings, hull plates etc)

    - Construction scrap (plate, bars, angle pieces, rods, steel pipes etc)

    - Miscellaneous commercial scrap (appliance casings, frames etc)

    Non-metallic impurities shall not exceed a total of 1%

    Steel scrap shall be considered free of alloys when the residual elements forming the alloy do not exceed the following composition,

    - Ni 0.45% - Cr 0.20%

    - Mo 0.10% - Mn 1.65%

    The combined residuals excluding manganese shall not exceed a total of 0.60%


Galvanized vs Blackened Steel

Galvanized steel is coated with Zinc to give it longer life by slowing down the process of rusting and corrosion since galvanized steel is mostly exposed to the elements such as moisture, water and other corrosive liquids.

Blackened Steel is predominantly used as a conduit for gas into commercial buildings and homes. Its more fire resistant due to the Iron Oxide formed during its manufacturing. Steel can also be blackened for aesthetics. Different methods are used to blacken steel based on the usage.

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